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We launched Chat App

The real-time chat app for monday.com

Everything you need. Emojis, Attachments, Mentions and much more.

App screenshot

Communicate faster

Everything you need to collaborate

Designed to be fully integrated into the monday.com ecosystem, Chat App brings everyone together right within your familiar boards and workflows. Say goodbye to the hassle of switching between apps and the constant struggle of managing access privileges.

Instant messages

No need to switch platform and remember which chat is the right one - you'll have one (or more) right on your desired board.


Share any type of file or image natively within Chat App. Upload project mockups, documents, videos, and more with just a few clicks, streamlining your collaboration.

Voice Notes

For those times when typing just won't do, use our quick-send voice note feature to convey your messages in a personal, time-saving manner.

Everything you need

Stop wasting your time adding every guest on Slack.

Experience the power of efficient, integrated communication with Chat App. Whether you're coordinating with your internal team or hosting external guests on your monday.com boards, this app is designed to be the seamless solution you've been waiting for. Elevate your collaborative efforts and unlock new levels of productivity today.

App screenshot
File uploads.
Share any type of file or image natively within Chat App, without the need to switch between platforms. Upload project mockups, documents, videos, and more with just a few clicks, streamlining your collaboration.
Our extension employs end-to-end encryption to ensure your conversations remain private and secure.
Direct Mentions.
Ensure that important messages never get lost in the shuffle. Instantly notify specific team members with a simple tag, keeping everyone on the same page.
Read Receipts.
Never wonder if your message was received. Chat App allows you to see who has read your messages, keeping you informed and in control of your communication.
Rich Messaging.
Elevate your interactions with emojis, formatting, and other expressive elements. Make your coordination, updates, and casual conversations more meaningful and engaging.
Voice Notes.
For those times when typing just won't do, use our quick-send voice note feature to convey your messages in a personal, time-saving manner.

How to Install the App

Install the app
  1. Click the install link
  2. Install Chat App
  3. Open the desired board
  4. Click on the "Add view" plus button
  5. Add as many Chat Rooms as you want
  6. Enjoy!

Boost your productivity.
Start using our app today.

Experience the power of efficient, integrated communication with Chat App. Whether you're coordinating with your internal team or hosting external guests on your monday.com boards, this app is designed to be the seamless solution you've been waiting for. Elevate your collaborative efforts and unlock new levels of productivity today.